Mid-project review
Is my project following my original plan? How has my plan developed? In my planning review, I planned with my Gantt Chart to have my research complete by the start of the Easter holidays and my essay draft complete by the end of the Easter holidays. However, a number of aspects meant that this did not go to plan. Firstly, my organisation over the weeks leading up to the holidays and during Easter was not good. I did not have a clear idea of exactly what I was going to complete and when which led to the second issue, which was time-management. Throughout the project I have been careful with organising myself so that I know what has priority during times such as mock exams and also ensuring I have a good balance between EPQ and my other A-levels, especially in relation to how many of my school study periods I dedicated to each subject. However, in the Easter holidays I struggled with balancing my job, homework from my subjects, soc...